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Ever feel like you’ve tried every diet and fad there is and there’s so much conflicting information out there and it just leaves you more confused than before? Maybe you’ve spent years being told that “everything is fine” by medical professionals, only to walk out of their rooms disheartened because you KNOW something most definitely isn’t “fine”. 

No more treating the symptoms with bandaids. No more guessing what’s wrong rather than testing to confirm. No more being told your blood tests are all fine when you feel anything but. No more waiting until you are in a health crisis before you look at your body & mind for what it is, undeniably interconnected. We’re natural health practitioners that are committed to finding the reason behind your symptoms and helping you address, rather than suppress them. All while harnessing the power of food & plants as medicine. 




What is Nutritional Medicine?

Nutritional Medicine is based on the principle that essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are required for all biomechanical processes of the body, and depletion of these can lead to dysfunction or dis-ease in the body. When our Nutritional Medicine Practitioners are treating symptoms or diseases, we look for the underlying causes which, although often partly genetic, are usually very much tied up with nutritional and environmental factors.  Identifying nutritional and metabolic imbalances and targeting these imbalances through dietary and lifestyle measures, Nutritional Medicine addresses the root cause of your health problems and supports the body back to optimum health and wellness.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy uses a combination of diet, lifestyle, and nutritional and herbal medicine to encourage self-healing. Our practitioners are experts in identifying and removing obstacles to recovery, uncovering underlying health issues through testing and comprehensive note-taking, rather than just symptom treating. Treatments are science-backed and tailored specifically for the individual. Naturopaths are preventative health specialists. Identifying and addressing dysfunction early, to prevent the onset of chronic health conditions later on.


What do we treat? 

→ Children’s health
→ Food intolerances
→ Digestive dysfunction
→ Eczema
→ Women’s Health
→ Hormonal imbalance
→ Endometriosis
→ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
→ Menopause
→ Men’s Health
→ Addictions
→ Pain Management
→ Thyroid dysfunction
→ Irritable Bowel Syndrome
→ Weight Management
→ Detoxification
→ Acne
→ Depression/Anxiety
→ Autoimmune
→ Meal plans
→ Acute colds & flus
→ Adrenal Fatigue


What is Functional Pathology Testing?

Functional pathology tests are used to investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic, and hormonal status. The results provide us with invaluable information about how to get you better faster. Our motto here at The Wholistic Health Coach is test, don’t guess.

Functional pathology test results assist practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of complex health conditions. Functional test interpretation requires extensive training in order to correctly understand the results and apply the findings to the treatment plan. Not all practitioners have this understanding and depth of knowledge, but our Wholistic Health team does.

Common tests include:

  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis 

  • Food Intolerance/Sensitivity or Allergy Testing

  • Hormonal testing

  • Organic Acids Urine test 

  • Heavy Metals/Hair Mineral Analysis tests

  • Neurotransmitter /mental health screenings

  • Thyroid markers

  • Stress hormone saliva testing 

  • Comprehensive blood tests


How we do it?

  • 60-90 minutes

    Your initial consultation with one of our Practitioners will include family and personal medical history, note your current diet, stress levels, sleep, exercise, hydration, and environmental toxin exposure. We’ll then do a full systems check to note any signs or symptoms. We’ll also review any recent pathology tests you may have had done. This will help us determine if further testing is required. 

    If relevant, our practitioners may order further testing to ensure they have all the information necessary to determine the cause of your symptoms and to develop a personalized treatment plan. 

  • 30-45 minutes

    Your second follow-up appointment is a Report of Findings. Your practitioner will go over the test results and discuss their findings relating to your health concerns. Your practitioner will then develop a treatment plan for you.

    Treatment plans may include:

    • Dietary advice or a Customised Meal Plan

    • Herbal medicine prescription

    • Nutritional supplementation prescription

    • Lifestyle advice

  • 1-2 weeks after beginning treatment and is used to make sure you’re comfortable with your plan and to answer any questions you may have.

    Subsequent appointments range from 15-minute acute telehealth consultations or standard 30-45min follow-up consultations and will help you to stay on track with your healing while in treatment and ensure your health continues to improve. 



Our clinic is 100% online, meaning you can access our services from anywhere in Australia (and very soon New Zealand.) All consultations are offered via secure video link or phone, most testing is able to be done from the comfort of your own home & posted back to our functional diagnostics lab and all supplementation or herbs are delivered via post.



As your Wholistic Health Practitioners, we will work to identify the external & internal factors that may be contributing to your health concerns. We will assess you as a WHOLE person, not just your physical health, but also your genetic, mental, social, environmental, and spiritual health, to have the best understanding of contributing factors. 

Once we identify the cause through a combination of case-taking & functional testing, we help guide you in the ways to heal, utilising nutritional & herbal medicine and lifestyle adjustments in an individualised (w)holistic treatment plan. 

We are committed to helping you understand your body better & nourish it back to good health. We offer you compassion and understanding and promise to meet you where you are at. When you make your health your priority, we make YOU our priority. 



At The Wholistic Health Coach, we believe in a collaborative care approach to clinical practice. Each of our Practitioners has a special interest or expertise and when we’re faced with a case that may benefit from that expertise, we may cross consult with our fellow practitioners for their perspective. Helping you get the best care possible without having to visit multiple practitioners.